Friday, March 6, 2009

Interpretive Limelight

There is a naked lady standing by the side of the road smiling.
And if you are to ask me what the circumstances might be, I will dress her with judgment until I land on

But what you will not see or hear from me
is the soft soliloquy of dialogue inside her curvy body
- recurring words that ground her in confidence despite the
outline of shame she should feel
the joy she could feel
the acceptance she might feel if she colored inside the lines like the rest of us.

No. You will not hear it from me
as the curious eyes abandoning her uncovered happiness are mine.
Likewise, the images of her nudity remain stuck like swallowed gum to the inside of my stomach.
Viewer discretion is advised.

You will not see me naked in her place across the street
feeling the ease that comes with
an unabashed display of modest pornographic content

You will see me attend to open-minded glances in her direction mixed with the odd side-ways look to comfort those in scornful discern of the current events
trying to mask the overwhelming jealousy
that comes from years of wearing uncomfortable clothing -

And the nagging sensation
that I haven't thought of anything else worth mentioning to you tonight

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