Wednesday, March 25, 2009


The walkway down to my dads house smells like earl grey tea. Its some kind of plant. Its actually amazing.
I've been noticing little things that bug me lately. They must bug other people too.

1) I think its the least intelligent thing in the world when someone hands you change - lets say a 5 bill, a 10 bill and a BUNCH of change - and puts the change on TOP of the bills. Can they not see that by doing this, the customer is forced into a balancing act to make sure the change doesn't slide off the bill?! You'd think it would be an obvious place to improve efficiency where instead they sit and stare at me while I'm losing dimes and say "oh, sorry, you got it?" Yeah I fucking got it. No thanks to you.

2) Prepaid Gas. Theres something really fishy about the way prepaid gas stops the pump at around a dollar before you're done pumping. Are we all getting ripped off? It doesn't seems like much gas is coming out of there once the auto-off kicks in. No wonder they made it a law. I bet we're all getting played.

Thats all for now.

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