Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Twenty oh Eight and the Dark Room

Here is a new year.
But its not really my new year. Mine starts on January 26 when I turn 23.
Everyone wants to celebrate the new years at every chance they can get but everyday is a year from the last so everyday is a new year.

We measure years to judge our success and in this time frame we have a chance to change. We judge our success because we are afraid to leave nothing behind. We judge our success because we want to love, be loved and feel freedom. To feel happiness surround us.
And we celebrate the years gone by to say we were here. Together.

I live in a dark room where fear and guilt also live. I don't know why but I wake up anxious most mornings like I missed an appointment or I'm not doing what needs to be done. Like I have a huge debt to pay. It fades away when my mind is on something. But its coming from this measurement. And this need to be something.

I'm going to eliminate that. I'm going to kill it.
These aren't resolutions, they are visions for freedom and I don't care if they become realities this year or next. This is what my life will be today, tomorrow and someday.

1. A strong circle of friends and family. Those who I know and love and those who I have yet to know. To find people to get some air with. To take care of the people who already matter most.

2. A body of sound mind to cherish The time to become comfortable in my skin. To wear the clothes I like. To feel beautiful without effort. To appreciate who I am on another level.

3. Recognition and acceptance of talent To take risk. To enjoy creativity. To find strength in the passion I hold for the people of the world and translate it into song, image or story. To have this be the basis for every path I choose now.

4 The abolishment of self doubt To stand against fear. To follow through on a big idea.

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