Monday, February 23, 2009


Today might be the first happy day I've seen in a while. I can't speak for tomorrow and thats okay.
Its still dark at 6am. I'm not sure how this winter managed to feel like a lifetime but it has- and its still dark at 6am. I slept past my alarm because the thought of cold air outside was too much of a contrast from the warmth and comfort of my bed. And however asleep I was, the alarm triggered the guilt filled dialog in my head as I made up my mind NOT to hit the pool.
The knock on my door propelled me upward - my dad asked if we were going - and theres just no way to bow out.

So I swam. And I think it made me happier somehow.
Smell of chlorine, hard work and then a nice hot sauna. It might be the best way to start a morning.
Even though this dude in the medium lane should have been in the fast lane becasue he kept passing me and this other lady - reminded me of the commercials - "you wouldn't swim like this, so why are you driving like this?"

Whatever. I got my swim on.

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